.. _configuration: Configuration ============= pycsw's runtime configuration is defined by ``default.yml``. pycsw ships with a `sample configuration`_ (``default-sample.yml``). Copy the file to ``default.yml`` and edit the following: **server** - **home**: the full filesystem path to pycsw - **url**: the URL of the resulting service - **mimetype**: the MIME type when returning HTTP responses - **language**: the ISO 639-1 language and ISO 3166-1 alpha2 country code of the service (e.g. ``en-CA``, ``fr-CA``, ``en-US``) - **encoding**: the content type encoding (e.g. ``ISO-8859-1``, see https://docs.python.org/2/library/codecs.html#standard-encodings). Default value is 'UTF-8' - **maxrecords**: the maximum number of records to return by default. This value is enforced if a CSW's client's ``maxRecords`` parameter is greater than ``server.maxrecords`` to limit capacity. See :ref:`maxrecords-handling` for more information - **level**: the logging level (see https://docs.python.org/library/logging.html#logging-levels) - **logfile**: the full file path to the logfile - **ogc_schemas_base**: base URL of OGC XML schemas tree file structure (default is http://schemas.opengis.net) - **federatedcatalogues**: comma delimited list of CSW endpoints to be used for distributed searching, if requested by the client (see :ref:`distributedsearching`) - **pretty_print**: whether to pretty print the output (``true`` or ``false``). Default is ``false`` - **gzip_compresslevel**: gzip compression level, lowest is ``1``, highest is ``9``. Default is off. **NOTE**: if gzip compression is already enabled via your web server, do not enable this directive (or else the server will try to compress the response twice, resulting in degraded performance) - **domainquerytype**: for GetDomain operations, how to output domain values. Accepted values are ``list`` and ``range`` (min/max). Default is ``list`` - **domaincounts**: for GetDomain operations, whether to provide frequency counts for values. Accepted values are ``true`` and ``False``. Default is ``false`` - **smtp_host**: SMTP host for processing ``csw:ResponseHandler`` parameter via outgoing email requests (default is ``localhost``) - **smtp_user**: SMTP user name related to the account (default is '') - **smtp_pass**: SMTP password related to the account (default is '') - **smtp_ssl**: Option to choose between SMTP and SMTP_SSL. To enable it, set the value to ``true`` (default is ``false``) - **spatial_ranking**: parameter that enables (``true`` or ``false``) ranking of spatial query results as per `K.J. Lanfear 2006 - A Spatial Overlay Ranking Method for a Geospatial Search of Text Objects `_. - **workers**: set the number of workers used by the wsgi server when lunching pycsw using the provided docker/entrypoint.py. If not set, it will use 2 workers as Default. **profiles** - list of profiles to load at runtime (default is none). See :ref:`profiles` **manager** - **transactions**: whether to enable transactions (``true`` or ``false``). Default is ``false`` (see :ref:`transactions`) - **allowed_ips**: comma delimited list of IP addresses (e.g., wildcards (e.g. 192.168.0.*) or CIDR notations (e.g. allowed to perform transactions (see :ref:`transactions`) - **csw_harvest_pagesize**: when harvesting other CSW servers, the number of records per request to page by (default is 10) **metadata** **metadata.identification** - **title**: the title of the service - **description**: some descriptive text about the service - **keywords**: list of keywords about the service - **keywords_type**: keyword type as per the `ISO 19115 MD_KeywordTypeCode codelist `_). Accepted values are ``discipline``, ``temporal``, ``place``, ``theme``, ``stratum`` - **fees**: fees associated with the service - **accessconstraints**: access constraints associated with the service **metadata.provider** - **name**: the name of the service provider - **url**: the URL of the service provider **metadata.contact** - **name**: the name of the provider contact - **position**: the position title of the provider contact - **address**: the address of the provider contact - **city**: the city of the provider contact - **stateorprovince**: the province or territory of the provider contact - **postalcode**: the postal code of the provider contact - **country**: the country of the provider contact - **phone**: the phone number of the provider contact - **fax**: the facsimile number of the provider contact - **email**: the email address of the provider contact - **url**: the URL to more information about the provider contact - **hours**: the hours of service to contact the provider - **instructions**: the how to contact the provider contact - **role**: the role of the provider contact as per the `ISO 19115 CI_RoleCode codelist `_). Accepted values are ``author``, ``processor``, ``publisher``, ``custodian``, ``pointOfContact``, ``distributor``, ``user``, ``resourceProvider``, ``originator``, ``owner``, ``principalInvestigator`` **repository** - **database**: the full file path to the metadata database, in database URL format (see https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/core/engines.html#database-urls) - **table**: the table name for metadata records (default is ``records``). If you are using PostgreSQL with a DB schema other than ``public``, qualify the table like ``myschema.table`` - **mappings**: custom repository mappings (see :ref:`custom_repository`) - **source**: the source of this repository only if not local (e.g. :ref:`geonode`, :ref:`odc`). Supported values are ``geonode``, ``odc`` - **filter**: server side database filter to apply as mask to all CSW requests (see :ref:`repofilters`) - **max_retries**: max number of retry attempts when connecting to records-repository database - **facets**: comma-separated list of facetable properties for search results .. note:: See :ref:`administration` for connecting your metadata repository and supported information models. .. _maxrecords-handling: MaxRecords Handling ------------------- The The following describes how ``maxRecords`` is handled by the configuration when handling OGC API - Records items or CSW ``GetRecords`` requests: .. csv-table:: :header: server.maxrecords,OGC API - Records limit/CSW GetRecords.maxRecords,Result none set,none passed,10 (CSW default) 20,14,20 20,none passed,20 none set,100,100 20,200,20 .. _alternate-configurations: Using environment variables in configuration files -------------------------------------------------- pycsw configuration supports using system environment variables, which can be helpful for deploying into `12 factor `_ environments for example. Below is an example of how to integrate system environment variables in pycsw: .. code-block:: yaml repository: database: ${PYCSW_REPOSITORY_DATABASE_URI} table: ${MY_TABLE} Alternate Configurations ------------------------ By default, pycsw loads ``default.yml`` at runtime. To load an alternate configuration, modify ``csw.py`` to point to the desired configuration. Alternatively, pycsw supports explicitly specifiying a configuration by appending ``config=/path/to/default.yml`` to the base URL of the service (e.g. ``http://localhost/pycsw/csw.py?config=tests/suites/default/default.yml&service=CSW&version=2.0.2&request=GetCapabilities``). When the ``config`` parameter is passed by a CSW client, pycsw will override the default configuration location and subsequent settings with those of the specified configuration. This also provides the functionality to deploy numerous CSW servers with a single pycsw installation. Hiding the Location ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Some deployments with alternate configurations prefer not to advertise the base URL with the ``config=`` approach. In this case, there are many options to advertise the base URL. Environment Variables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ pycsw supports the following environment variables: - ``PYCSW_CONFIG``: specifies the filepath to a pycsw configuraiton Configuration file location ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ One option is using Apache's ``Alias`` and ``SetEnvIf`` directives. For example, given the base URL ``http://localhost/pycsw/csw.py?config=foo.yml``, set the following in your Apache configuration: .. code-block:: none Alias /pycsw/csw-foo.py /var/www/pycsw/csw.py SetEnvIf Request_URI "/pycsw/csw-foo.py" PYCSW_CONFIG=/var/www/pycsw/csw-foo.yml. .. note:: Apache must be restarted after changes to configuration pycsw will use the configuration as set in the ``PYCSW_CONFIG`` environment variable in the same manner as if it was specified in the base URL. Note that the configuration value ``server.url`` value must match the ``Request_URI`` value so as to advertise correctly in pycsw's Capabilities XML. Wrapper Script ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another option is to write a simple wrapper (e.g. ``csw-foo.sh``), which provides the same functionality and can be deployed without restarting Apache: .. code-block:: bash #!/bin/sh export PYCSW_CONFIG=/var/www/pycsw/csw-foo.yml /var/www/pycsw/csw.py .. _`sample configuration`: https://github.com/geopython/pycsw/blob/master/default-sample.yml