.. _testing: Testing ======= .. _ogc-cite: OGC CITE -------- Compliance benchmarking is done via the OGC `Compliance & Interoperability Testing & Evaluation Initiative`_. The pycsw `wiki `_ documents testing procedures and status. .. _tests: Tester ------ The pycsw tests framework (in ``tests``) is a collection of testsuites to perform automated regession testing of the codebase. Test are run against all pushes to the GitHub repository via `Travis CI`_. Running Locally ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The tests framework can be run from ``tests`` using `Paver`_ (see ``pavement.py``) tasks for convenience: .. code-block:: bash $ cd /path/to/pycsw # run all tests (starts up http://localhost:8000) $ paver test # run tests only against specific testsuites $ paver test -s apiso,fgdc # run all tests, including harvesting (this is turned off by default given the volatility of remote services/data testing) $ paver test -r # run all tests with 1000ms time benchmark $ paver test -t 1000 The tests perform HTTP GET and POST requests against ``http://localhost:8000``. The expected output for each test can be found in ``expected``. Results are categorized as ``passed``, ``failed``, or ``initialized``. A summary of results is output at the end of the run. Failed Tests ^^^^^^^^^^^^ If a given test has failed, the output is saved in ``results``. The resulting failure can be analyzed by running ``diff tests/expected/name_of_test.xml tests/results/name_of_test.xml`` to find variances. The Paver task returns a status code which indicates the number of tests which have failed (i.e. ``echo $?``). Test Suites ^^^^^^^^^^^ The tests framework is run against a series of 'suites' (in ``tests/suites``), each of which specifies a given configuration to test various functionality of the codebase. Each suite is structured as follows: * ``tests/suites/suite/default.cfg``: the configuration for the suite * ``tests/suites/suite/post``: directory of XML documents for HTTP POST requests * ``tests/suites/suite/get/requests.txt``: directory and text file of KVP for HTTP GET requests * ``tests/suites/suite/data``: directory of sample XML data required for the test suite. Database and test data are setup/loaded automatically as part of testing When the tests are invoked, the following operations are run: * pycsw configuration is set to ``tests/suites/suite/default.cfg`` * HTTP POST requests are run against ``tests/suites/suite/post/*.xml`` * HTTP GET requests are run against each request in ``tests/suites/suite/get/requests.txt`` The CSV format of ``tests/suites/suite/get/requests.txt`` is ``testname,request``, with one line for each test. The ``testname`` value is a unique test name (this value sets the name of the output file in the test results). The ``request`` value is the HTTP GET request. The ``PYCSW_SERVER`` token is replaced at runtime with the URL to the pycsw install. Adding New Tests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To add tests to an existing suite: * for HTTP POST tests, add XML documents to ``tests/suites/suite/post`` * for HTTP GET tests, add tests (one per line) to ``tests/suites/suite/get/requests.txt`` * run ``paver test`` To add a new test suite: * create a new directory under ``tests/suites`` (e.g. ``foo``) * create a new configuration in ``tests/suites/foo/default.cfg`` * Ensure that all file paths are relative to ``path/to/pycsw`` * Ensure that ``repository.database`` points to an SQLite3 database called ``tests/suites/foo/data/records.db``. The database *must* be called ``records.db`` and the directory ``tests/suites/foo/data`` *must* exist * populate HTTP POST requests in ``tests/suites/foo/post`` * populate HTTP GET requests in ``tests/suites/foo/get/requests.txt`` * if the testsuite requires test data, create ``tests/suites/foo/data`` are store XML file there * run ``paver test`` (or ``paver test -s foo`` to test only the new test suite) The new test suite database will be created automatically and used as part of tests. Web Testing ^^^^^^^^^^^ You can also use the pycsw tests via your web browser to perform sample requests against your pycsw install. The tests are is located in ``tests/``. To generate the HTML page: .. code-block:: bash $ paver gen_tests_html Then navigate to ``http://host/path/to/pycsw/tests/index.html``. .. _`Compliance & Interoperability Testing & Evaluation Initiative`: http://cite.opengeospatial.org/ .. _`Travis CI`: http://travis-ci.org/geopython/pycsw .. _`Paver`: http://paver.github.io/paver/