.. _outputschemas: Output Schema Plugins ===================== Overview -------- pycsw allows for extending the implementation of output schemas to the core standard. outputschemas allow for a client to request metadata in a specific format (ISO, Dublin Core, FGDC, NASA DIF and Atom are default). All outputschemas must be placed in the ``pycsw/plugins/outputschemas`` directory. Requirements ------------ .. code-block:: none pycsw/ plugins/ __init__.py # empty outputschemas/ __init__.py # __all__ is a list of all provided outputschemas atom.py # default dif.py # default fgdc.py # default Implementing a new outputschema ------------------------------- Create a file in ``pycsw/plugins/outputschemas``, which defines the following: - ``NAMESPACE``: the default namespace of the outputschema which will be advertised - ``NAMESPACE``: dict of all applicable namespaces to outputschema - ``XPATH_MAPPINGS``: dict of pycsw core queryables mapped to the equivalent XPath of the outputschema - ``write_record``: function which returns a record as an ``lxml.etree.Element`` object Add the name of the file to ``__init__.py:__all__``. The new outputschema is now supported in pycsw. Testing ------- New outputschemas must add examples to the :ref:`tests` interface, which must provide example requests specific to the profile.