.. _tests: Testing ======= pycsw uses `pytest`_ for managing its automated tests. OGC API - Records ----------------- Tests for OGC API - Records are located in ``tests/unittests/test_oarec.py``. They can be run as follows: .. code:: bash pytest tests/unittests/test_oarec.py OGC CSW ------- There are a number of test suites that perform mostly functional testing. These tests ensure that pycsw is compliant with the various supported standards. There is also a growing set of unit tests. These focus on smaller scope testing, in order to verify that individual bits of code are working as expected. Tests can be run locally as part of the development cycle. They are also run on pycsw's `GitHub Actions`_ continuous integration setup against all pushes and pull requests to the code repository. .. _ogc-cite: OGC CITE -------- In addition to pycsw's own tests, all public releases are also tested via the OGC `Compliance & Interoperability Testing & Evaluation Initiative`_ (CITE). The pycsw `wiki`_ documents CITE testing procedures and status. Functional test suites ---------------------- Most of pycsw's tests are `functional tests`_. This means that each test case is based on the requirements mandated by the specifications of the various standards that pycsw implements. These tests focus on making sure that pycsw works as expected. Suites for xml-based standards (CSW, ATOM, etc) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A number of different test suites exist under ``tests/functionaltests/suites``. Each suite specifies the following structure: * A mandatory ``default.yml`` file with the pycsw configuration that must be used by the test suite; * A mandatory ``expected/`` directory containing the expected results for each request; * An optional ``data/`` directory that contains ``.xml`` files with testing data that is to be loaded into the suite's database before running the tests. The presence of this directory and its contents have the following meaning for tests: * If ``data/`` directory is present and contains files, they will be loaded into a new database for running the tests of the suite; * If ``data/`` directory is present and does not contain any data files, a new empty database is used in the tests; * If ``data/`` directory is absent, the suite will use a database populated with test data from the ``CITE`` suite. * An optional ``get/requests.txt`` file that holds request parameters used for making HTTP GET requests. Each line in the file must be formatted with the following scheme: test_id,request_query_string For example: TestGetCapabilities,service=CSW&version=2.0.2&request=GetCapabilities When tests are run, the *test_id* is used for naming each test and for finding the expected result. * An optional ``post/`` directory that holds ``.xml`` files used for making HTTP POST requests Test generation uses pytest's `pytest_generate_tests`_ function. This function is implemented in `tests/functionaltests/conftest.py`. It provides an automatic parametrization of the `tests/functionaltests/test_suites_functional:test_suites` test. This parametrization causes the generation of a test for each of the GET and POST requests defined in a suite's directory. Suites for JSON-based standards (OGC API - Records, STAC API, etc) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ These are implemented as simple pytest-based tests, for which no custom test generation function exists. They are simpler to generate - look into the implementation in `tests/functionaltests/suites/oarec` for examples. Unit tests ---------- pycsw also features unit tests. These deal with testing the expected behaviour of individual functions. The usual implementation of unit tests is to import the function/method under test, run it with a set of known arguments and assert that the result matches the expected outcome. Unit tests are defined in `pycsw/tests/unittests/`. pycsw's unit tests are marked with the `unit` marker. This makes it easy to run them in isolation: .. code:: bash # running only the unit tests (not the functional ones) py.test -m unit Running tests ------------- Since pycsw uses `pytest`_, tests are run with the ``py.test`` runner. A basic test run can be made with: .. code:: bash py.test This command will run all tests and report on the number of successes, failures and also the time it took to run them. The `py.test` command accepts several additional parameters that can be used in order to customize the execution of tests. Look into `pytest's invocation documentation`_ for a more complete description. You can also get a description of the available parameters by running: .. code:: bash py.test --help Running specific suites and test cases ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ py.test allows tagging tests with markers. These can be used to selectively run some tests. pycsw uses two markers: * ``unit`` - run only input tests * ``functional``- run only functional tests Markers can be specified by using the ``-m `` flag. .. code:: bash py.test -m functional # run only functional tests You can also use the ``-k `` flag to select which tests to run. Since each test's name includes the suite name, http method and an identifier for the test, it is easy to run only certain tests. .. code:: bash py.test -k "apiso and GetRecords" # run only tests from the apiso suite that have GetRecords in their name py.test -k "post and GetRecords" # run only tests that use HTTP POST and GetRecords in their name py.test -k "not harvesting" # run all tests except those from the harvesting suite The ``-m`` and ``-k`` flags can be combined. Exiting fast ^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ``--exitfirst`` (or ``-x``) flag can be used to stop the test runner immediately as soon as a test case fails. .. code:: bash py.test --exitfirst Seeing more output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There are three main ways to get more output from running tests: * The ``--verbose`` (or ``-v``) flag; * The ``--capture=no`` flag - Messages sent to stdout by a test are not suppressed; * The ``--pycsw-loglevel`` flag - Sets the log level of the pycsw instance under test. Set this value to ``debug`` in order to see all debug messages sent by pycsw while processing a request. .. code:: bash py.test --verbose py.test --pycsw-loglevel=debug py.test -v --capture=no --pycsw-loglevel=debug Comparing xml-based suite results with difflib instead of XML c14n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Functional tests for XML-based suites compare results with their expected values by using `XML canonicalisation - XML c14n`_. Alternatively, you can call py.test with the ``--functional-prefer-diffs`` flag. This will enable comparison based on Python's ``difflib``. Comparison is made on a line-by-line basis and in case of failure, a unified diff will be printed to standard output. .. code:: bash py.test -m functional -k 'harvesting' --functional-prefer-diffs Saving test results for disk ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The result of each XML-based suite test can be saved to disk by using the ``--functional-save-results-directory`` option. Each result file is named after the test identifier it has when running with pytest. .. code:: bash py.test -m functional -k 'not harvesting' --functional-save-results-directory=/tmp/pycsw-test-results Test coverage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Use the `--cov pycsw` flag in order to see information on code coverage. It is possible to get output in a variety of formats. .. code:: bash py.test --cov pycsw Specifying a timeout for tests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The `--timeout ` option can be used to specify that if a test takes more than `` to run it is considered to have failed. Seconds can be a float, so it is possibe to specify sub-second timeouts .. code:: bash py.test --timeout=1.5 Linting with flake8 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Use the `--flake8` flag to also check if the code complies with Python's style guide .. code:: bash py.test --flake8 Testing multiple Python versions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ For testing multiple Python versions and configurations simultaneously you can use `tox`_. pycsw includes a `tox.ini` file with a suitable configuration. It can be used to run tests against multiple Python versions and also multiple database backends. When running `tox` you can send arguments to the `py.test` runner by using the invocation `tox -- `. Examples: .. code:: bash # install tox on your system sudo pip install tox # run all tests on multiple Python versions against all databases, # with default arguments tox # run tests only with python3.7 and using sqlite as backend tox -e py37 -sqlite # run only csw30 suite tests with python3.7 and postgresql as backend tox -e py37-postgresql -- -k 'csw30' Web Testing ^^^^^^^^^^^ You can also use the pycsw tests via your web browser to perform sample requests against your pycsw install. The tests are is located in ``tests/``. To generate the HTML page: .. code-block:: bash $ paver gen_tests_html Then navigate to ``http://host/path/to/pycsw/tests/index.html``. .. _Compliance & Interoperability Testing & Evaluation Initiative: https://github.com/opengeospatial/cite/wiki .. _functional tests: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Functional_testing .. _`Paver`: https://pythonhosted.org/Paver/ .. _pytest's invocation documentation: https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/usage.html .. _pytest: https://docs.pytest.org .. _Github Actions: https://github.com/geopython/pycsw/actions .. _tox: https://tox.readthedocs.io .. _wiki: https://github.com/geopython/pycsw/wiki/OGC-CITE-Compliance .. _pytest_generate_tests: #basic-pytest-generate-tests-example .. _XML canonicalisation - XML c14n: https://www.w3.org/TR/xml-c14n/